BASC, Business Alliance for Secure Commerce, is a security certification & international business alliance which promotes Secure Commerce and prevents drug’s use & traffic, illegal actions & terrorism during the commerce chain cooperating with governments & international organisms.
Since 2014, LOGISTICA’s management, operations, control, safety & quality’s service is certified by BASC.

BASC Business Alliance for Secure Commerce
Certification Number: ECUUIO00257-1-10
BASC -Business Alliance for Secure Commerce-, is an international business alliance that promotes safe trade in voluntary cooperation with Governments, border agencies, control authorities, and international organizations "World BASC organization Inc.", is constituted as an international non-profit organization under the laws of United States of America.
WBO is the world´s largest business led organization whose mission is to generate a security culture throughout the supply chain, by implementing Management Systems and control measures in international trade processes and other related sectors.
Specific objectives:
To encourage the implementation of a security culture for the protection of international trade.
To establish and manage a security and control system of its own supply chain.
To Work in cooperation with Governments, border control agencies and international organizations.
To promote strategic alliances.
To generate confidence and credibility for companies and authorities.
To strengthen cooperation ties between the private sector and government.
BASC Securit Policy - LOGÍSTICA Maseni
LOGISTICA Maseni S.A. is dedicated to foreign trade and international transportation, focusing on offering comprehensive and personalized logistics solutions. The company complies with all legal and regulatory requirements and maintains the integrity of its processes to prevent illicit activities, corruption, and bribery. Additionally, it promotes continuous improvement in these processes and ensures security in the use of information technology.